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 Healing Herbs and Plants.

Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) with one of his medicinal plants these are part of the Penjing system.

Where the plants form part of a truely living miniaturised landscape.





Extracts from my manuscript: 

'Healing With Herbs'

Limited Copies will be obtainable in 2017/18


Herbal Teas:

Extracted materials from Grandmaster Lowe's manuscript:

'The Art of Healing With Herbs'


Teas are by nature Herbal, they are distilled from various plants, which are cultivated, nurtured and grown specifically for human consumption. I have indicated in the following paragraphs some of the main benefits of certain teas, and how the effects of drinking these infusions can help to safeguard general health.


My list will contain certain Teas that when used together with a wholesome diet will offer the good protection of health. Foremost in the mind of tea users are the hopes of experiencing positive results and to improve the overall general health of the user.


Black Tea: Black Teas are an oxidized version of Green Tea.  During the oxidation process, various and most of the beneficial compo­nents of the leaves are lost.  Black Tea is useful in helping to relieve minor stressful moments, since it reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. 

Black Tea, which is drunk extensively worldwide, has some chemical elements that are vital for good health, such as rich sources of both fluoride and manganese, which help to strengthen living bones.


Camellia Sinensis is the source of both Black and Green Teas. 

Basically tea-leaves are a good source of the plant chemical compound polyphenol, a very useful antioxidant.  

A diet consisting of polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids found in margarine will encourage the building of new brain cells.


Chamomile Tea: This tea should be consumed daily because of its ability to lower blood sugar levels.  It has been shown to contribute toward the prevention of some diabetic complications, as well as being of use in some conditions of hyperglycemia. The chemical element found in Chamomile Tea blocks the activity of an enzyme connected with some nerve damage found in diabetic sufferers, especially those with diabetic eye issues.  Chamomile will also accelerate the body’s healing processes as well as calm and relax the nervous system.  


When Chamomile is combined with Passionflower, they together will provide periods of restful sleep. 

Chamomile may be used in conditions of migraines and headaches in that there is some indication that gastric dysfunctions could cause these unwanted effects. 

Chamomile has a soothing and regulatory effect on mild menstrual issues.


Fruit flavored Teas: Many of the fruit flavoured teas are acidic and erode away the natural protective coating of enamel.



















Blackcurrant and Lemon: Both of these are extremely acidic and are amongst the types of fruit-flavored teas and can be three times more damaging to the natural protective enamel coating on teeth, than the acid from orange juice.


Green Teas: These are are endowed with beneficial characteristics in that they are rich in levels of very potent antioxidants. 

Green Tea is formed from freshly picked camellia leaves lightly steamed so as to deactivate the enzymes that would oth­erwise have oxidized the leaves. Therefore Green Tea possesses the significant health advantage in its ability to offer a slowing down of the development of cancer while also possessing car­diovascular-health value.

Green Tea is a very potent antioxidant, helping to protect our blood vessels from the ravages of oxidization.  Drinking one or more cups of Green Tea per day reduces the risk of tooth cavities, due to the antioxidant catechin in the tea, which apparently stops the production of acid caused by the bacteria in the mouth.

Green Tea helps to reduce weight because of the mixture of chemical compounds found from its extraction namely catechins but it’s the epigallocatechin gallate that is of most benefit in reducing cholesterol and body fat.


Mint Teas: The leaves of the mint plant are shorter and broader than those of the Peppermint Herb, but the purple-pink flowers are larger. 

Mint is very good when applied as a poultice and helps to aid stomach recovery in some forms of dairy ill effects.


Mint Herbs are anti-spasmodic, if consumed take about two drops of mint extract to a single spoonful of honey. However, because of the menthol in Mint Teas, one should avoid drinking Mint Teas during or after a meal, because if an individual suffers from heartburn, menthol will relax the sphincter and permit easy access for the stomach acid to reflux in an upward direction, thereafter triggering the pain that is a characteristic of this particular disturbing and painful complaint. 

Mint itself eases conditions of flatulence and vomiting. 


Oolong Tea: This tea is useful in the prevention of tooth cavities, primarily due to the fact that during its processing, it is not fermented, and therefore has a higher level of catechins which contain anti-microbial qualities. Therefore Oolong Tea  is better than Black Tea.


Peppermint Tea: The plant has broad short leaves with spikes of faded purple flowers. The oil from Pepermint has been found to be extremely good in the treatment of indigestion and also some mild forms of irritable bowel syndrome. Peppermint Tea, when drank after a meal, can be relaxing to the muscles of the intestinal tract and can help improve digestion. Oil extracted from the Peppermint Plant has menthol elements and is anti-spasmodic, offering relief to the alimentary canal. The distilled water from the peppermint is used for gripes and stomach upsets. 

Peppermint Tea is an infusion made by adding one pint, or one-quarter liter, of boiling water to one ounce, or 16 grams, of the fresh herb, often combining a few leaves of the Elderflower plant when treating minor anxiety complaints and or interrupted sleep patterns.


Rooibos Tea: This tea does not deplete the human system of iron levels, so it is a good tea for those who have health issues such as anemia and whose system requires retention of iron elements.


White Tea: White Teas are best for protection against harmful free radicals. 

Use only the young very delicate buds of the tea plant creates this tea. 


These fragile buds of White Tea contains high levels of antioxidants, which offer the highest defense compounds that defends and protects collagen and elastin proteins that maintain skin elasticity.






Aromatic Herbs


Aromatic Herbs contain high quantities of volatile oils. 


However they are normally safe to use, and have relatively few contraindications. 


They can also be beneficial in the management of asthma, fever, pain and some sleep disorders. 


Oils of Aromatic Herbs are easily vaporized at room temperature and releases strong and characteristic odours.


Aromatic Herbs possess either or sometimes both stimulant or nervine (relaxing) effects.


Chamomile oil extract may be used bath as a relaxant. The anti-inflammatory properties of Chamomile Oils are useful in the treatment of dermatitis, itchy skin complaints and eczema.


Lemon Balm is a good remedy for cold sores, ointments created from the Lemon balm has been used in a traditional manner for the relief of stress and pain, because of its anti-viral effects by resisting the replication of virus, may also accelerate the healing process of cold sores, used as a cream for about 4 days should produce visible results.


Myrtle has been used to minor bruises.


Patchouli, Marjoram, and Orange, are essential oils, which also promote relaxation.


Peppermint is another an aromatic herb that's often brewed into tea, can both alleviate headaches and improve digestion.


Rosemary is a stimulat­ing aromatic herb, when inhaled can be used to counteract Ylang-Ylang’s blood pressure-lowering ability.


Rose-root is good for mood swings and mild forms of depression and can improve mental and physical performance.


One of my Penjig plants that are used in making Jam its fruits are also a health diet preservative  .


Boiled Hot Water and 

Frozen Lemon Rind.

My anti-cancer drink.

Boiling ‘Hot Water’ and a good portion of frozen, grated rind of Lemons.



Lemons (citrus) are thousands of times stronger than chemotherapy and is a killer of cancerous cells. 

Lemons only attack cancerous cells they do not harm and healthy cells. 

Pharmaceutical Laboratories are only interested in making a synthetic material or such chemical versions, which produces vast profits.


Lemon are beneficial in preventing serious life threatening diseases.

Lemons does not produce the horrendous effects such as those caused by the use of chemotherapy.

Lemons are thousands of times better than Adriamycin.

Adriamycin which is  a drug normally used in a chemotherapeutic treatment, for slowing the growth of cancer cells.


Many people are will die while this information with respect to lemons is kept hidden from the general public. 


Industry will not jeopardize the large corporations, nor will they ignore the huge benefits they receive from the multi-nationals.


Some interesting factors and benefits about Lemons are that they help to reduce stress can act as an anti-depressant.


Lemons regulates blood pressure, and offer resistance to intestinal parasites.


The main useful factor about Lemons is in their ability to attack tumors and cysts.


Lemons destroy the malignant cancer cells in the lung, intestines/colon, prostate, pancreas and breast.


All parts of the Lemon can be eaten using its anti-microbial spectrum against harmful fungi and bacterial infections.

Lemon-Lemon Verbena:

Do not use extensively since it may cause some stomach issues such as an irritation of the stomach lining.


Lemon-Lemon Verbena:

Use of either Lemon or lemon Verbena are for mild indigestion, flatulence, nervousness and insomnia, bronchial and nasal problems, colds, and for insect bites and stings. 


Both could be taken as a mild pick-me-up tonic. 


The pectin in lemon peel is a very good source of fiber and helps with healthy weight reduction processes.


Use as the last thing at night as a mild sedative. 


Use as a tea at night by steeping leaves and using as an herbal tea.






For good degistive performance.


The human brain has a special chemical sometimes referred to as a linked amino acid. My opinion is of a similar but different substance that needs to be adjusted upwards.

I am indicating the use of Black Rice because of its impact on the 'P" substance that is vital for the full functionality and performance of the cerebral cortex. My intention is to help increases the levels of 'P' substance by encouraging absorption.


Black Rice:  This is one of the best means of using consumables that is capable of supplying a cerebral medication at a cellular level to maintain good health of the brain. Black rice contains powerful plant compounds, with strong disease fighting healthy plant fiber such as which will offer help in restoration of deceased ‘P’ levels. 


In the LoLo traditional family stories, it was often had mentioned the steam rising from the rice being cooked in and around the campfires were observed as the sign that strength and stamina will be replenished. Ancestral lore has led to ancient concept that the three slanting lines are the ancient writing element by which ‘Qi’ was first connected.


My opinion is that Black Rice will reduce the cholesterol levels of those individuals who uses it as a medicinal part of their daily diet, especially as the husks of the Black rice contains high levels of anthocyanin antioxidants.  Another benefit is that the naturally occurring sugars found in Black Rice…(polysaccharide)…will fortify the energy levels of the consumer and brighten the mitochondria, encouraging cellular immunity to mutation. 


The ancients somehow were able to make the health connection of the ‘forbidden rice’ the name by which Black rice was commonly known times past in ancient China.

Forbidden rice’ was so named because during the reign of the emperors of China, and only those of very noble birth were permitted to eat it.


Why this was so, and who realized the importance of eating black rice, since ‘microbial germ science’ was not discovered until thousands of years later, however one ahs to

remember the power of the Wu Shih. Black rice is used in the making of some Oriental/Asian foods such as noodles, as well as in some types of food decoration and even in the preparation of cooked sushi. Since some sushi may contain black rice and therefore since it provides the health-enhancing potential, this may have lead to the concept that cooked sushi is a healthy consumable.


Black rice contains more antioxidants that the best berries, and has the added benefit of less natural sugars, as well as high levels of polypeptide amino acids.

Since the bran of Black rice enables the plant’s antioxidants to offer opposition to disease, and also to destroy the disease causing cellular particulates, it will offer protection to the

arteries by enabling and exclusively human defense to biologically cellular cross-modulation. 

Coconut water contains very good levels of chemical electrolytes which may ionize constituents of living cells and or blood flow.



Adioponectin is a human protein hormone ...(LAMAS Qi Gong movement > 'The Immortal Bridge' switches-on this productive bio-mechanism) ... which breaks-down fatty acids and also will regulate the glucose levels.


Adioponectin will modulate some metabolic processes and may be viewed as the signature for some of the different levels of body fats, and also would display ...(Observed during Qi Tx.) ... the emitted emollient vibration models for any phenotypic nuclear dimorphism.


The effects of adioponectin may be witnessed by the activity of the human Brain’s reaction ...( May be noticed during TienQi generation) ...which may be similar to the effects caused by the hormone called Leptin… (Leptin activates the energy receptors in the hypothalamus of the Brain) …however these two hormones may very well complement each other and may be the provider for synergetic outcomes.


Good = Balance of internal functions:

To obtain low levels of carbohydrates consume dark leafy green vegetables.

Regular eating of small amounts of good foods reduces blood sugars



Real Butter

Fresh Green Vegetables

Unrefined cereal grains, which contains both bran and the germ endosperm.



Not good = Stress structural and cellular decay:

Stress enables Cortisol activating the Adrenal Glands and so promoting Sugars which will cause Abdominal problems.


All of the above may be caused by consuming any combination of the following: As well as resulting in Hormone Imbalance caused by storage of fats.



All concentrated juices

All brands of Margarine

All pasta

All processed/packaged breads

All confectionary

All cakes

All pastry


EHS: Enhancing Health Solutions:

Extracts from: (Healing With Herbs)

by Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo).



The herb basil contains a volatile oil called eugenol, which is thought to have very good anti-inflammatory properties similar to those found in aspirins. 


It is my opinion that regular low-dosage of Aspirins may very well offer some protection to the risks of developing bowel cancers, as well as reducing the rates of deaths from stomach and oesophageal cancers, and lung and prostate cancers.


However after 70 years of age, the effects of Aspirins may cause internal bleeding in the gut and also accelerate the risks of developing peptic ulcers. 


Aspirins should be used only under the direction and monitoring of a qualified Medical Doctor and that the participating individual should not smoke or use alcohol while using aspirins under medical advice.


Basil is a natural non-side effect alternative and therefore a better product. 


It is also very easily obtained with no apparent or visible side effects and is a very economical remedy.


I have personally grown the basil plant and use it in the seasoning of food and as a decoction and also  believe that it does relieve and disperse conditions where inflammation have caused painful experiences as well as being of help in some issues of atrophy.


Beta Glucan:


Beta Glucan comes under the banner of polysaccharides…(these are plolymeric carbohydrate molecules)…where the use provides good levels of Vitamins C. and K. 


Beta Glucan may help to rejuvenate the human immune systems, when consumed together with  a combination of Qi meditative transmissionsas a naturally applied  therapy…(delivered under specific conditions)…to assist by inhibiting the development of some Liver problems.


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