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Stress the genesis of all disease.


Stress in our Daily lives

Grandmaster Lowe (will provide FREE remote/distance Healing for anyone who contacts him via his email address:






















The following information is designed so as to provide more than a basic understanding of Stress and its effects on the holistic human body.


These useful concepts are also provided as an aid, to assist you, in amending your life-style, and therefore to help you to attain a reasonable good state of health, such as which is far better than that which you may be presently experiencing.


This is your opportunity to a longer life with dynamically enhanced quality.


Stress is, the genesis of disease.

Stress does not care, nor value you or your status.

Without warning, Stress attacks at a molecular level.

The onset of Stress is invasive as it quietly begins to alter your system at a cellular level.

You may be the first, or the last, person to accept the fact that you are Stressed.


Stress is the greatest equaliser, destructive on all levels to all humans regardless of your status, whatever religion you may or may not believe in, wealthy or poor, influencial or not, old or young, friend or foe; Stress is your biggest health enemy bar none.




Stress Elimination Qi Gong


The underpinning protocols of Stress Elimination is within the taught LAMAS Qi Gong 

 movement named "Lion's Tail Qi Gong".


This previously esoteric Qi Gong movement was carefully developed after many long years of diligent study of various animals, with the sole and prime purpose of improving the health of the practicing individual.

This programmable self-healing type of effective therapy e.g. Lion's Tail Qi Gong offers opposition to Stress. 


My aim is to teach both the theory and the practical application of "Lion's Tail" Qi Gong and its ability to combat the condition commonly known as Stress. Your daily practice is necessary to improve your health,.

You will quickly sense and experience the various benefits of being in control and managing Stress.


LAMAS Qi Gong has a cornucopia of knowledge available for study, and offers an abundance of real benefits derived from this noble and previously esoteric Ancient Chinese Healing Art.


For in-depth information and in-depth therapeutic applications

Go to the STRESS subscription menu





Health dysfunctions caused by Stress normally goes undetected sometimes may very well result in unrelated, untreated very serious health issues.



It is difficult to find a way to relieve the Mind when life is full of Stress.


Taking a moment to care for oneself is incredibly important.


Studies have shown that the best ways to reduce Stress is with gentle Movement, and focussed Breath which lowers the stress hormone levels within your Body.


Learn natural ways to quickly reduce the Stress in your life.

Stress is the number 1 single cause of many diseases. 


Some of the many  instances of Stress related diseases:

Hypertension, Dysfunctional metabolic rate, Asthma, Multiple Sclerosis, Anxiety, 

Depression, High or Low Blood pressure, Coronary Heart Disease, Glandular Fever, depression, Self-harm & 

even various stages and forms of Cancer.


Stress often reduces the human system's ability to offer resistance and defence against the debilitating effects of radiation and chemotherapy.


Qi Gong Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo)  shares his ancient family proven methods that had been used for thousand of years to protect and also to enhance the health and well being of the general populace.



Although our Dragon Eat Sun events are completely FREE

The multidimensional benefits are priceless.


Our objective is the provision of the best wellness therapy, and the unique Qi way of obtaining quality of life, and longevity as well as a peaceful and harmonious healthy life-style.


To obtain your copy of the Limited

'Stress Eliminated Handbook'

Go to the Page:  BOOKS   





University of Colorado University --- Colorado USA.

Lecture by Qi Gong Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) 

The largest attendance in the history of the University

Standing Room only

This is one of the many "On The Beach" events of 'Dragon Eat Sun'

FREE to everyone who attends

Training is 'On The Beach' 

Whenever Grandmaster Lowe visits South Florida

Info: Go to the News page 


Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo)

Interviewed live on West Palm Beach  T/V 2004

Dr. Ginger Southall and the WPBT/V presenter

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