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Your Time To Plan For:

                                                      Health Transmutation.


In order to manifest an action planning is vital.

one must have the required trust, real patience and true belief in the concept that thoughts become reality.


To obtain the improved health such as which, you wish to be rewarded with, especially to participate in the self-healing process, positive results are attainable.



The 7 Ways for Health Transmutation:


a). Establish exactly what you have to prioritise above all other considerations.

b). Be definitive as to the level of health you aspire to.

c). Determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the health you desire.

d). Firmly design a definite date when you really hope to see an improvement.

e). Create a definite plan and begin at once, to expedite matters and move to action.

f).  Make a clear concise schedule of what you are prepared to do to make your plan work.

h). Always try to be in the company of serious health conscious people.


Write a statement, of what you are fully prepared to sacrifice to execute your health plan.

How do you intend to determine the limit for making your plan acquisition a reality.

State what you intend to give in return, describe clearly how you intend to accomplish it.

Regularly recite your written statement aloud.

Do this just before sleeping at night and also at your waking hour in the morning.  

As you read, visualise and sense, believing in yourself already to be in the healing process.


 (Info on this is to be supplied in the members only access platform)

LAMAS Qi Gong Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) enjoying Qi Gong with some students in Canada 2002



LAMAS Qi Gong:  Is NOT an exercise, its a health program based on the

Disciplined Controlled Respiratory Movement…(DCRM)

Techniques created and developed over millennia by the sages of yester-year.

 LAMAS Qi Gong 


This Qi Meditative practice is most dynamic because of the process of combining slow deep breathing, gentle stylised movement, real visualisation, constructive meditation and real self-healing techniques, together with, when applicable, applied Qi Gong self-massage so as to encourage the absorption of TienQi, enhancing and fulfilling the aspirations of the daily practitioner of real Qi Meditative practice.



Long life and healthy old age is directly linked to the practise of Daoyin Qi Gong movement, Dou Gong a blind musician of the Han Dynasty practised Daoyin and lived to be over 100 years of age


Sun Simiao of the Thang Dynasty performed Daoyin three times each day and died at the age of 110 



The poet Lu You who lived during the Sung Dynasty was full of pep and energy; when he was well over 80 years of age apparently all due to his daily Daoyin routines


Daoyin in ancient times was called a 'longevity exercise' and was instrumental in keeping one’s vital energy flowing smoothly and harmoniously thereby making the human body lithe and supple.



Qi Gong is a very ancient practise and there is evidence to connect it to the promotion of health, particularly  when real visualisation is fundamentally combined with regulated breathing, and a series of proven stylised movements.



The Daoyin Scroll of the Western Han Dynasty 202 BC - 25 AD depicts people of both sexes and ages participating in physical movements



Hua Tuo, a great physician adapted Daoyin exercises, based on five animals: 

Tiger, Deer, Monkey, Bird and Bear.

The practise of Qi Gong embraces all individuals.

However the exceptional benefit of  LAMAS Qi Gong as taught by Grandmaster Lowe is its dynamic and constructive results.


Six of the 12 animal of LAMAS Qi Gong:


ShiQi (Lion Qi Gong)

Lammergeyer (Bird Qi Gong)

HowQi (Monkey Qi Gong)

La Yui (Fish Qi Gong)

QiChun (Snake Qi Gong)

(Dragon Eat Sun) (Dragon Qi Gong)



Physical Movement Provides:


ShiQi promotes power and spirit

La Yui provides life diversity and longevity

HowQi encourages flexibility and agility

Lammergeyer creates mental and physical stability

QiChun increases adaptability and insight

Ability to 'see' what other cannot.



LAMAS Qi Gong was once an esoteric family style Qi Gong, which was kept in the LoLo family and protected for safe keeping and now resides exclusively in the hands of the World leader and Living Lineage Holder,  Grandmaster A. S. Lowe (LoLo).


Some physical characteristics that are associated with the behaviour of the particular animal ...(Eventually after many generations and centuries long past) ...became synonymous with the actual physical movements of the Qi Gong practitioner and thereby increases the practitioner abilities beyond what were they had previously aspired to, and also exceeds their wildest expectations.


 (Info on this is to be supplied in the members only access platform)













Training some LAMAS Qi Gong practitioners on the beach in Florida, USA

Dance of Life

by Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo)


Truly traditional Qi Gong was always hidden in the mists of antiquity as well in what was once traditional esoteric family practice.


The movement was carefully studied and after life-long observations they were created to emulate and portray the animals thereabouts, and the varying climatic flux depicting such practice. The skills were gradually developed and were treasured by those who had eventually mastered the movements.


Then after lifetimes of very long and carful observations of the natural elements, local fauna and flora, climatic conditions and most importantly the human endeavour in being able to cope with life’s vagrancies and the dangers that lay within the immediate and wider environment.


The Wu Shih a powerful shaman of the ancient LoLo tribes practiced emulating the vibrant rhythms of life, and the studied the natural pace of both plants and animals together with the earth’s ever changing conditions.


Chinese historians and archaeologists have found references to Qi Gong’s breathing and movement techniques, some of which are in excess of 5,000 years old. A typical example is the Daoyin Silk Scrolls depicting about 42 figures, both male and female in movements that are curiously similar to that which was practiced by the Wu Shih of the LoLo tribes.


Throughout the various centuries, those who practiced the art have subjected Qi Gong to many alterations and changes; some may argue that this was a continuous evolutionary development. I beg to differ, for although Daoyin ( circa 4,500 years ago)...(Leading and guiding the Qi, the name that was used to describe Qi Gong)…came into general usage in the twentieth century, Qi Gong was already being practiced for many centuries before the period of Daoyin. 

Daoyin during that period was the means to encourage the old, those who were sick, and infirm to recover their health, by cultivating the Qi...(life-force)...and by guiding and leading it to the locations of need they were able to offer resistence to disease .
















The story of the victims of the great flood of Wu ...(A typical example of one of the various tales told at fireside gatherings of family groups of the LoLo tribes)... where the Wu Shih (Shaman and Spiritual leader) ...advised the then monarch and absolute ruler to make the sick and diseased people do the ‘Dance of Life’.


Try your best to imagine, the very sick and also old people, in a land ravaged by flood, disease and hunger, where the ailing and diseased populace are commanded and they attempt with great difficulty to obey the imperial edict.


They, the sick and aged are trying to dance by waving their hands and move about, the picture you will obtain is obviously of ill people, who are moving very slowly and portraying painful examples of dancing, and yet with time, the disjointed painful gesticulations gradually became graceful flowing movements as the people regained health, strength and balance.


The practice gradually became a natural method of enhancing health, and to keep the Qi smooth, e.g. the vital energy, flowing smoothly.


  All materials and intelligence are copyright protected by copyright LAMAS©™ Qi Gong




 LAMAS Qi Gong 


 Still Fish Dance -- LaYui Qi Gong 

DVD's are available at our 

FREE Workshop(s)

in Boca Raton, South Florida


By living a healthy life style you can prevent various human cellular problems from occurring. Such a type of healthy life style would have to include the following:


1). Specific visualisation methodology is required to focus the thoughts of the individual so as to provide very constructive outcomes.         


2). A healthy organic diet is one that will have been prepared and consumed within a period non exceeding 10 minutes.

For information on the some of the ingredients read the soon to be available title namely, The Art of Healing With Herbs.   


3). Slow, Deep, Regulated breathing has been part of a system of different breathing techniques such as: Microcosmic breathing, Macrocosmic breathing and also Primordial breathing.    


4). LAMAS Qi Gong movement was developed after dedicated and careful study of the accessible environment and the varying characteristics of the inhabitants both animal and human, wheresoever such an opportunity in safety was presented. However it does require daily regular practice of a tested stylised movement, that has demonstrated the capacity to provide the results that are the hopes and intent of the Qi practitioner.

DVD 'Still Fish Dance' La Yui Qi Gong'

Available in 2016

USA Price: $14.99 USD...(incl.p/p)

UK   Price: £14.99 Sterling...(incl p/p)

For Details: Go to the Contact page for Instructors


LAMAS Qi Gong (Daoyin style)

My theory on Qi Forces:



It is my opinion that at the neophyte level it requires three (3) vital bio-energetic systems that are necessary to assist in the prevention of disease and sicknesses:


This process can only be attained by the practice of DCRM.


Respiratory Force:

Respiratory Force best defined to describe the method of true Qi breathing as a real Qi healing modality.

Disciplined Controlled Respiratory Movement (DCRM).












Vibrational Force: 

This is my definition as the oscillations or vibrations generated for transference of intentional Qi transference to the target location or particular health














Mental force:

This force I have defined as the telepathically generated or mentally transposed energetic process to commence the smoothing of sporadic Qi particulates.












                                Daoyin Postural Training:

           Info on the esoteric application of these Three Treasures

only taught by currently registered LAMAS Qi Gong Masters

and also practicing Qi Gong Instructors go to the Contact page for details



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