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 Children In Qi Gong

China’s greatest health secret revealed

This is your opportunity to see the most important video ever.

The Life Changing Art of LAMAS Qi Gong


Video below depicting School Children (1993-4) sharing their benefits and showing their skills at LAMAS Qi Gong practice. They are explaining how their lives were improved by practicing this once esoteric Ancient Healing Art.















NOW you and your children can enjoy a Stress free Healthy Life. 

LAMAS Qi Gong (“Dao Yin” style Qi Gong) is a comprehensive 
Therapeutic Modality System (TMS) that provides:


1). Improved physicality.

2). Real-Time creative abilities.

3). Regulated breath resulting in improved blood circulation.

4). Developed constructive forward-thinking skills.

5). Increased brain capacity and faster switching times.

6). Real enhanced articulation prowess.


LAMAS Qi Gong was developed after careful observation and hundreds of years of study by the ancient Wu Shih practioners ...(Shaman -Savants) ...of the LoLo tribes of China.

Their intention was to develop the skills and knowledge so as to be of help to the populace. After they had developed the abilities to cultivate Qi they found that an enhanced physical immune response was self-evident. The ancients in their design for health, intended that the practitioner must be able to generate the free flow of smooth Qi, which in turn would create an enhanced energetic potential. They would then have some control to guide these circulating energetic particulates to the determined localities within the human system, thereby having a meaningful and constructive rectification of the health of the individual concerned.


This input, of bio-generated cultivated smooth flowing Qi will provide a dynamic response, which will offer the maintainence, balancing and harmonious relationships of the elements in the duality of life.  This exceedingly old concept promotes good health, enduring longevity and an enhanced greater sense of well being. 

Simple • Easy • Effective •





























          LAMAS Qi Gong  (1993-4)



The benefits they received were nothing short of what legends are made of, and its proven efficacy for helping with various ailments are awesome, but to name a few childhood health problems such as:



Dysfunctional metabolic rate


Multiple Sclerosis



High or Low Blood pressure 

Coronary Heart Disease 

Glandular Fever 


Physical rehabilitation




LAMAS Qi Gong Qi Meditative movement titled Still Fish Dance or LaYui Qi Gong, protects against the onslaught of health issues and also reduces the often debilitating effects of radiation and chemotherapy

Qi Gong practice is known to strengthen the immune system and prolong healthy life.
















It is said that when good and true humans do nothing evil prospers.

It is also true that when intellectual thinkers, highly placed individuals, and or the influential of the populace portrays instinctual inclinations, by their collective constant denial, they subconsciously erase the opportunities for existential experiences, thereafter the worst type of loneliness evolves, because it does not require a docent to indicate that isolation experienced creates STRESS of the human systems, especially when the 'WAY' is misunderstood.


In these, our dangerous times of humanitarian and moral crisis, to ignore the accepted principles of right and wrong, that which governs the conduct of all mankind, there is no greater sin than inaction, those who remain neutral, sin by their silence.



Childhood Dysfunction


Humans will be individually affected by the various events, which surround them, even if not personally connected, nor involved with the dehumanising factors that abounds.

They will therefore sub-consciously experience unique, individual struggles that can create and evoke passionate feelings, however because of not being aware of the hidden mental conflict within their mental system, no remedial work is enabled, and eventually after some undefined period the result will be a state of unconnected

 mental Stress?


Why is it difficult to visualize that someone else, without your knowledge, without your understanding, without your permission and even with limited ability, can arouse sensations at a cellular level that is seriously harmful.


Incorrect procedures taken when in a mist of confusing thoughts, will have effects on unprepared youth, they who are surrounded by events that cause such damaging emotions and divergent unwanted experiences.


Questions are not answerable without real comprehension and opportunities to question what is wrong, from that which is right, and therefore the unprepared are unable to escape from whatever is presented.


The majority of psychological issues were created during early childhood, those who are incapable of having normal relationships, encourage offspring and or adopted family to adjust lives, according to the actions and intentions of what they believe to be normal.

The brightest of those are so afflicted, since their coping mechanisms possess greater intellect, the symptoms and signs are not accurately noticed until the behavioural disease has progressed to an expressed and communicative and social response.


However, there may be some hope for childhood caused psychoses or such fixations and absence, or loss of contact with natural reality. These may not necessarily be neither permanent nor genetically unalterable conditions.  Although such impressions leave profound concepts that may last for a life time, such as being abused and misguided at a very impressionable age and period of immense vulnerability.


There is a pandemic of pressure to embrace celebrated concepts, impressions and other such political-correct concepts, which are neither natural nor normal, such as which will not produce happiness in a healthy manner. Those who are uniquely affected by their own preferences and environs, encourages their beliefs, that to be acceptable the child must be convinced and compelled by overwhelming evidence of what is apparently acceptable by those within the surrounding influences.



Excuses are fashioned in the devil’s workshop, just like an idle brain that refuses to think constructively.

The children, it’s not surprising are scarred, raised by dysfunctional individuals, and is unprepared for a normal destiny, unnaturally involved and unprepared the young will believe and accept wherever is provided.


From having to acclimate their survival instincts they create tunnel vision where the longer the childhood adjustments to their personalities remain unchanged, the more difficult it is to alter their path.


If and where change is possible, it cannot be done without causing new and or additional complex issues to be resolved.


As with making adjustments it becomes obvious, unlike a disease that may be incurable, such immature childhood alterations caused during their upbringing and unprepared for, has the deepest roots, where needs and desires are aligned for survival, it is during their youth unawareness that has created such dependencies.


Such personalities quicken over a period of formative years, and the belief that these ways that are being witnessed are perhaps correct ones, and thus it is very difficult to be altered. These ways cannot be true, if they were learned sub-consciously when and by impressionable children.


A wrong turn in life’s journey will always normally derail a true destination.


Improvement and maximizing true health and real happiness, is the foundation that has to be salvaged, so that a new and decent foundation can be created.


Detection of the path to be salvaged, has to be coupled with relocation to normal permanent situations, this is of prime necessity, also the provision of such temporary housing is vital until the permanent healthy structure is re-created.  



For details and or additional information go to either:">



Raising funds In aid of 

Children in Need. 

Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) with the Mayors of York, England,

UK 1993-1995


Saying or doing nothing when wrongs are being committed, is a blatant and unashamed SIN.


However, worst of all sinners 

are those who by their silence,

or inactivity allowing wrongs to

go unpunished, they by their

silent consent 

are the worst of all offenders.

A Healthy Environment:


A healthy garden symbolises a healthy environement 


A healthy environment will produce healthy citizens.


Healthy citizens exemplify a healthy community.


A healthy  community is indicative of a healthy society.


A healthy society is symptomatic of a healthy country.


A country is only as healthy as the children that dwell within its confines, and are taught to be healthy in thought, word and deed.


Healthy children are a reminder that the child of today is the adult of tommorow.


Providing a healthy, safe environment

for the children is the duty of us all.


Some plants that I blended into a micro-climate so as to create the cover for another of my as of yet unpublished manuscripts.

Title: 'Healing With Herbs'

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