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You Are What You Eat:


What we consume, will and does have a significant effect our general health.


Our efforts and our energetic endeavours, our fertility ratio, our behaviour, our very thoughts and also our power of will dynamically affect our genes.


However it is within your personal control to be able to have some input into the changes of the cellular behaviour of your system, simply by altering your food intake.


What is implied by the use of the word FOOD, i am including everything you consume and or absorb. 
























The pictures above, depicts a keen sensibility to our approach to food, which fosters a variety of fresh consumable foods and are the inital path to good health.


The human body will respond to and will apparently modifie itself, so as to fit its current internal alternating complex and emotional conditions.

The living human organism, i.e. the body will show its disposition by reacting with an executive genetic switching to accommodate any newly consumed and or absorbed materials even if it not able constructively make use of, and or does not recognise the material as having nay beneficial potential.


However there is a more serious problem that will be generated during the consumption of amterials, , the body’s internal systems may not respond in the manner which was originally hoped for, and the aims and objectives of the consumer may not be fully obtained.


In instances where the response is an unforeseen and unwanted condition, then the Stress caused may very well create a disturbed digestive reaction with some painful or discordant ailment, however a far more serious case may develop into a long-lasting and worrying disease, such as which have an effect within the life-sustaining bio-chemical transformations within the living cells, such a condition may be termed a metabolic syndrome.




The human body is always trying to do its best to maintain some form of equilibrium, but this action may be based on no previously experiences and that acquired memory may represent a loss of vital bio-chemical symmetry.


All processed and packaged foods are very deficient in attempting to supply and or providing the synergetic interaction that is to be found in fresh, and nutritious, wholesome foods. 


All processed and or packaged foods are to the living human Body-Mind-Spirit connectivity, a chemically toxic example of what is being sold as a substitute or replacement for real fresh and nutrient rich foods.



Our genes are seriously affected by everything, moreso by that which we eat, and also especially those bad eating habits that we practice on a daily basis.


Eating foods that are truly organic and or really home-made will help and may even alter the behaviour of your genes to perform their tasks more efficiently.


It is my opinion, that even where that is an instant of some hereditary health issue, this may be within the scope of your biological retification system to offer remedial assistance and address such instances.


Nothing is beyond control, just be food sensible, and show your true courage in the face of media hyped adversity, take the leap of faith to good food.

Canada May 2003

UK- Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo): 3rd. from left -- 

Ottawa-  Master: Philip Lai 3rd. from right -- 

Quebec- Master: Rosemary McDonough 2nd. from right

Food should be fresh, seasoned, never over cooked and well presented.

Food should be eaten slowly to gain it's true benefits 

Cayenne Peppers:

Extract from 'Healing With Herbs'


The Cayenne plant…(Capsicum Annuum)…produces fruit that is ‘HOT’ in a spicy manner when one comes into direct contact with it either as food or as a spicy ingredient or food condiment and may well offer prevention to Heart attacks.



The Cayenne Pepper is used as a superb culinary spice for many centuries and as a valuable medicinal herb…(Cayenne can rebuild the tissue in the stomach exciting peristaltic action in the intestines)…apart from its complement of vitamins Calcium, Potassium, as well as very high levels of vitamins A, C and B complex.


Cayenne may also increase the effectiveness of other herbs by acting as a catalyst, its warms stimulates and encourages the release of mucus from the respiratory passages clearing the sinuses, and creates heat in the body raising the temperature so as to enhance Blood flow.


Because of its ability to elevate the body's temperature...(An effect similarly to that which is produced is some other herbs)...this promotes a diaphoretic action helping to reduce fever and relieves the congestion caused by colds and sinusitis.


However my opinion is that the most important active ingredient in Cayenne is capsaicin.












My opinion is that  the capsaicin found in Cayenne, is able to introduce apoptosis…((One of the various functions of the mitochondrion ...(Plural mitochondria)) is 

programmed to induce a cell death-instruction that can be directed to diseased cells ...(Similar to the effect generated by 'Still Fish Dance' / 'LaYui Qi Gong') ...apparently without significantly affecting normal, healthy active pancreatic cells.


Peppers are a provider of vitamin D that will help to avoid unhealthy weight gains. Peppers burn off the unwanted calories to achieve this side effect of safely targeted weight reduction.


This reduction is caused by the action of an active ingredient, which is known as piperine. However it is my opinion that consuming too many peppers may very well cause some discomfort, and also enable various digestive ailments.


Piperine enables this effect by raising the awareness of the human body’s nervous system while also it is capable of boosting the normal metabolic rate. 


Capsaicin may very well have an anti-proliferative effect on human prostrate cancer cells by slowing the rate of development of prostate tumors.


The mitochondrion is powerhouse of the cell generating most of the cell's supply of transportation and supply of chemical energy.


My opinion is that children diagnosed with autism suggests that they may very well be may be a correlation with defective mitochondrial performance.




             Astringent and some

              other useful Herbs

             Extracts from my Book 'Healing With Herbs'

















Astringent herbs are very capable of producing a system’s organ contraction and they can also prevent the normal process of waste discharge or evacuation.

Astringent herbs can easily be recognized by the bitter taste that they are well known for, as well as the fact that they may cause periods of constipation. Astringent herbs are used very extensively on a commercial basis because

of their ability to interact with proteins.


Astringent herbs are known to frequently possess a very constipating effect; this is primarily due to the way astringent herbs interact with proteins. Our human systems are to a very large extent merely water and proteins, together with a few other bio-chemicals and molecules.


An astringent herb contains the property of tannins, a plant chemical alcohol that interacts with proteins. Tannins are substances that are also used and employed in the industry involved with the tanning of leather. Astringent herbs have analgesic and some antiseptic properties, and are often used in the production of styptic pencils.         


Asafoetida (devil’s dung)

Asafoetida’s gum resin is used to treat bloating, indigestion, wind and constipation. Asafoetida also helps to lower blood pressure and may be employed in the thinning of the blood, usually taken in tablet form. This herb has been used for thousands of years. The extracted gun resin is taken from the roots of the plant.

Asafoetida gets its name from the combination of two words from two languages: the Persian word aza, “resin,” and the Latin word foetivus, meaning “sticking.” It is used as an insect repellent when mixed with garlic.


It is also used as a protection medium by Wu Shih practitioners of days gone by, whenever there is a necessitated reason for its usage. However, as a descendant Wu Shih practitioner, one will still make use of it, if and when the need arises. Asafoetida was said to have been of use sometimes to ward off certain types of snakes. It was employed as a mixture with other herbal and was rubbed on the footwear of the individual as a serpent deterrent.


American ginseng

American ginseng is the root of which is regularly being used in a medical situation.

American Ginseng has been employed for gastrointestinal problems, stressful conditions and some minor infections. Use the shredded root and steep in boiling water for one minute, and drink only one half of a teacup, just once per day. Add honey to your own personal taste.


This plant grows wild in the very shady forests of central and northern American states. American ginseng can also be found growing in some areas of Canada. American ginseng and Asian ginseng contain ginenosides, but the ratio of ginenosides between the two types of ginseng is different. These have the ability to stimulate the immune system and offer resistance to stress and fatigue.

However, ginseng may cause instances of sleep problems such as insomnia and cases of agitation.


 My opinion is that the use of caffeine being consumed during a two-hour period after taking ginseng may cause and/or create the latter mentioned conditions. There is also a risk of cellular mutation and menstrual abnormalities that may occur if taken over an extended or protracted period. Ginseng may well activate some gastrointestinal problems as well. Individuals with high blood pressure problems should avoid the use of Ginseng.


Asian (Panax Ginseng)

Asian ginseng is said to have a calming effect on the user’s spirit; it was employed in making the whites of eyes brighter. Apparently has an ability to eliminate noxious elements. In olden time, it was taken to encourage mind enlightenment. It was a tonic that was drunk for conditions that required curbing random emotions. Asian ginseng has a reputation in the Orient as being able to enhance and increase wisdom during meditation.


It also has been linked to being a very good tincture for offering opposition to agitation. There have been some instances of health body weight reduction in the use of Asian ginseng. Again another use of this herb is in the maintaining of the consumer’s mental and physical levels, especially when used by those of elderly age. My opinion of the use of ginseng is that any positive results are probably due to a very complex interwoven interplay of constituents and the state of the health and belief of the consumer.


This plant is a member of the Araliaceae family of plants similar to the Siberian ginseng and to a greater extent to the American ginseng. There are 13 ginenosides in Asian ginseng. Other constituents include Panaxans, which helps to lower blood sugar. Asian (Panax Ginseng) is to be found growing on high places such as the slopes of mountains and has been used in Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. The roots of the plant are collected during the autumn months and may be employed in the mild cases of influenza and stress

'Healing With Herbs'

Soon to be published 

VERY Limited edition

Reserve your copy NOW



The Ancient Chinese Art of 'Penjing' was used thousands of years ago to provide fresh food in the times of scarcity and the long cold winters.


Penjing was employed to miniaturise the plants which were grown indoors to keep insects away.


They were also used to perfume the immediate environment.


Herbs were grown to preserve and season food.


Fruit provided the necessary levels of vitamins to resist disease and lethergy.


These pictures of my plant ...(Yes it is the same plant in early Spring and then in mid Summer)... clearly shows the plant firstly in full bloom then in its fruting stage.

(21st. August 2015).


The applicable knowledge and skills handed down over many generations are still being practiced today as well as being very much in vogue.

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