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(5) New DVD's
                      Simple Instructions no need to attend classes.
Obtain Good Health


Qi Gong Instruction will only be provided by  currently registered Master Instructors.


LAMAS Qi Gong Instructors offer unique and unparalleled 'Wellness programs'.


Blood Pressure-Diabetes-Heart Diseases-Strokes-Alzheimer

 (circa February 2022)


Dysfunctional digestive system:


Yogurt, Corn syrup and all corn products, slows the digestion and creates harmful bacteria.


Cereal bars containing refined sugars eventually constricts the arterial system. Potato chips and other starchy products triggers and activates emotional eating habits.


All refined or processed sugars dangerous to the Heart's function.

Olean is an unhealthy carb and can initiate, internal clogging of the blood's passage.


Avoid all processed foods and those containing any and all preservatives.


A functional digestive system requires:


Amylase an enzyme that helps to change glucose into useful energy.

Lipases is essential in digestion they provide transporting and processing of dietary lipids such as fats, triglycerides and oils, lipases are to be found in most living organisms.




Millions of Americans consume expensive medications and have reduced the fat content of their diet, this very year, a great many thousands will die of Heart Disease this may be due to the inaccurate data with respect to the type of fats consumed and those within the Body.


Established dietary recommendations have created epidemics of diabetes and obesity because conventional dogma, is still prescribing pharmaceutically created expensive drugs, and other manufactured medications to lower cholesterol as well as prescribing a diet restricting the intake of fat.


                                         However, the NOT widely publicised data, about artery wall inflammation NOT being the true cause of Heart Disease, … (The establishment grudgingly, and with great reluctance… is in a paradigm shift with regard to Heart Disease and other chronic health conditions.


                                        The American Heart Association indicates that approximately 80 million Americans are currently suffering from heart disease, and about 25 million have diabetic illness with approximately 60 million enduring pre-diabetic health conditions. Chronic-inflammation causes cholesterol particulates to be trapped, thus inhibiting the Body’s natural

defence system’s reaction to offer combat to any foreign invasive material such as bacteria, toxin elements and or viral invasion.


                                          It is my opinion that if the presence of acute-inflammation was present in the body, cholesterol would NOT accumulate in the wall of the Blood vessel causing varying heart diseases and also the potential of strokes.  A cyclic redundancy is necessary to ensure acute-inflammation

is present in the Body so as to offer protection from these bacterial and viral invaders.


                                           Diet that is low in fat, but, high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, are repeatedly injuring Blood vessels. This repeated injury creates chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. Overload of highly processed carbohydrates …  (sugars, and products containing sugars, as well as products made from sugars and refined flour) … these as well as an excess in the consumption of omega-6 vegetable oils,… (soybean, corn and sunflower oils found in many processed foods) …  represent the major contributors of chronic-inflammation, regardless of where the process of chronic inflammatory transpires, either externally

and or internally.


                                        Some foods that are consumed create tiny injuries … (the appearance of a diseased artery appearance is  that of repeated abused to the arterial wall) …which eventually compound into yet more internal arterial wall injuries, the response of the Body will be a continuous and inappropriate assembly of dangerous levels of chronic-inflammation.



                                         The consumption of sweet foods and or those laced with sugars or laden with long-shelf-life chemicals, will cause the Body to respond as if it is being invaded by a toxic material.


                                       These bad consumables are very slowly poisoning the consumer on a daily basis. Indulgence in sweet consumables constructs a cascade of chronic-inflammation, Blood sugar levels rise dramatically and in response, the pancreas secretes insulin.


                                       The insulin's primary purpose is to propel sugars into corresponding cells where it is to be stored to await a demand for necessary energy. However, if the cells are replete and does not need glucose, rejection is established and the Blood sugar levels continue to rise producing more levels of insulin, and the glucose will commence its conversion into stored unhealthy fat.


                                      There is a very narrow range of control of Blood sugar, those extra sugar molecules that are surplus to requirements will attach to a variety of proteins injuring the Blood vessel wall, as well as exciting increased levels of chronic-inflammation in the arteries.


                                      Normally foods containing sugars, are baked in omega-6 oils such as soybean … (French fries/chips are drenched in soybean oil) … and most processed foods are manufactured with omega-6 oils to cater for longer shelf life. Although omega-6 is essential and segments

of every cell membrane controls what enters and or leaves the cell, omega-6 must be correctly balanced

with intake of omega-3’s.


                                      If a state of imbalance is made to exists by consuming excessive omega-6, the cell membrane produces chemicals called cytokines directly causing chronic-inflammation.


                                      Overloaded fat cells produce vast quantities of pro-inflammatory chemicals adding to the abuse caused by having high blood sugars, creating, high Blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and finally, Alzheimer’s disease, as the chronic-inflammatory process escalates uninterrupted, the human defence mechanism systems are rendered useless, degeneration continues unabated and the entire human organism is under the influenced of a destructive compelling force.



                                     The more one consumes processed or packaged/prepared foods, the more one will contribute to the chronic-inflammation which the human body cannot process, nor was the system designed to consume foods packed with sugars and are soaked in omega-6 oils. By eating foods closer to those that are natural our defence systems become awakened.

Some particularly customized Qi Meditative movement will, when practice, on a daily basis are

able to rouse and motivate the dormant defence mechanism.



a). For strength building muscle, it is necessary to eat more natural proteins in their natural state.

b). It is very necessary to eat fresh colourful vegetables and fruit for their highly complex carbohydrates.

c). Cold pressed, extra-virgin olive oil is best, however, butter from grass-fed animals are acceptable


1). Do NOT use chronic-inflammation- causing omega-6 fats from products such as soya bean oil, or

corn oil, nor any processed or packaged foods that are made from the mentioned items.


2). Do NOT use oils labelled polyunsaturated.


3). In the face of advice to avoid saturated fat in favor of foods high in omega-6 fats, we now face an

epidemic of arterially chronic-inflammation that has increased life-threatening-diseases.



                                      To eliminating chronic-inflammatory conditions, it is vital to eat whole foods, so as to add vital essential nutrients obtainable from fresh unprocessed foods, to encourage reversal of damage to your arteries and the needed awakening of your body’s defence mechanisms.



Learn about the truth about the SIX (6) elements toward a healthy life.

Experience LAMAS Qi Gong culture: 

Do you wish to be part of the healthy minority > Go to


Last 5 copies secure your copy NOW…


‘Stress Elimination Handbook’.


‘Healing With Herbs’ (last remaining 2 copies of the Limited edition of 200 no reprints).


Both authored and produced by:

LAMAS Qi Gong Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo)





You can be Healthy ... practice LAMAS Qi Gong daily for 4 minutes.
Qualified Instructor: Sifu Adelaide Mulry
LAMAS Qi Gong Classes in New York.
Contact: 516-850-9092




Click on any of the photographs and be able to magnify the Qi Phenomena signature while making note of it's positional change of direction and true transparency.


These are but a few of the many photographs kept in secure storage, and is an attempt to provide an item for observers with which to form their own opinions.

All photographs  are from approximately 80 photos that  was filmed in Boca Raton, Florida by Mr. Emil Miller of Seattle, Washington USA.


Should you wish to be provided with a simplified explaination then email your question to any of the Master Instructors on the Contact Page, and you will in time ... (There are many others who are in the process of receiving answers to their questions) ... receive a kindly response to your enquires.



These photographs were extracted from the LAMAS Qi Gong movement named "Lion's Tail Qi Gong". This Qi  Meditative movement is used to control, reduce, managed and eventually when practiced on a daily basis will Eliminate Stress. The camera and also the camera-operator has passed inspection. This is a natural phenomena that occurred and can be best understood, when the entire sequence of the Lion's Tail Qi Gong movement is viewed as a whole.


The appearance of the object seen is of a purplish oval shape, that obediently follows the movement of Grandmaster Lowe's hands. The oval shape moves to the left, and or to the right, moving either up or down in which-ever direction his hands are at that precise instant during his demonstration of "Lion's Tail Qi Gong". 

All photographs are in the possession of the camera operative...(Mr. Emil Miller of Everett, Seattle, Washington, USA)...they clearly show the purplish oval transparent phenomena following the entire sequence of movements.

Click on any part of the picture, then move the magnifier to examine the Qi Phenomena.

Note the image has moved centrally, compared to the above pictures, this is in harmony with the movement of both hands

News for 2022


Information contained in the Stress Elimination Handbook makes it easy for everyone to enjoy the peace of a stress free life, yet there is nothing that compares to the benefits of learning to practice your very own self-healing programs, you too can achieve your objectives purely by using what was esoteric knowledge based on the traditional family lore of the ancient LoLo people.


Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) is now unavailable, due to heavy commitment developing the protocols and policies to be offered at the proposed to be built in Florida The Qi Wellness Center.


    Qi Wellness Therapy Sessions consist of:

1). Advance Qi Gong Master Instruction,

2). Practical Workshops and Seminars

3). Occupational Therapeutic Training Programs.

4).PTSD Courses (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).


The above will be made available to visitors, at the 'Qi Wellness Center'.


The Qi Wellness Center is to be established in South Florida, USA

Go to for additional information and all other details. 

LAMAS© Qi Gong

Qi meditative movement.

'Still Fish Dance' / 'LaYui Qi Gong'



Limited DVD copies of the complied Qi Meditative program are available:





LAMAS©™ Qi Gong  


We will be regularly updating information and where necessary maintaining current and topical items. 


Dear reader you are  most welcome to take the opportunity to seek knowledge on Qi cultivation


This wealth of information and the Intelligent Property is the copyright and Trade Mark of :

LAMAS©™ Qi Gong.


We hope you will find the contents both useful and very educational with regard to the improvement of general health. Our intention is in offering the best Qi meditative practice for dynamic health recovery, since we are facing an epidemic of life-threatening Stress related diseases.


Our  vision is to make provision of dynamic and positive, Qi Gong practice for real health transformation using true Qi Meditation, real Qi Movement and the best Qi Gong Visualisation Practice available.  

Qi consciousness is necessary in the required metamorphosis to implement real and lasting health improvement. 

Our sole intention is to help those with health issues, to attain their varied insights of how to use self-regenerative Qi, and also to encourage the virtues and values of human compassion.


My in-depth survey and careful observation over many years has indicated to me that that the direction and intensity of natural sunlight in particular environs will and do provide opportunities during the particular Qi Gong practice being experienced  and especially in the participate of  Dragon Eat Sun on a beach at sunrise which will activate exclusive gating and other mechanisms in bright-up period for the mitochondria. 


The intention is to positively influence the ability to resist disease, thus enabling good general health, enhancing the practitioer's thought process and other various dispositions which is significant, and is most consequential to nurture real health recovery.


LAMAS Qi Gong Grandmaster lowe (LoLo)




Limited signed DVD copies of the newely complied Qi Meditative program:

Still Fish Dance (LaYui Qi Gong) 


Read the column immediately below.

NEWS Flash


Next Future Personal appearance 

South Florida, November 2019.


According to our LAMAS Qi Gong philosophy and Qi culture the one-time esoteric practice of the LoLo Qi Gong movement namely  "Still Fish Dance" i.e. 'LaYui Qi Gong' offers help for the following:

1). Fertility problems.

2). Reproductive organ dysfunction.

3). Prostate indisposition.

4). Particular mammary ailment.

5). Smooth Qi flow restrictions.

6). Some Disfunctional aspects. 




a). All LAMAS Qi Gong practice encourages the guided flow of defensive Qi, throughout the areas that are deficient of True Qi or have an excess of Perverse Qi, this is achievable, where and when the practitioner's palms are being placed and or moved over particular parts of the body, such action causes the biochemical electromagnetism that is being radiated from the central area in the palms to create healing via increased Blood flow to the immediate location at that instant in time.



DVD copies of 'Still Fish Dance' / 'La Yui Qi Gong'. available.

Details Email



An Extract taken from the:

 “Stress Elimination Handbook”

My Analogy of STRESS.


Scientists think that high cortisol production may be responsible for altering the proper function of the genes. Thus they postulated that a person’s grandchildren might be at risk as well. The stress hormone cortisol was believed to be responsible for such future problems.


Fight STRESS practice daily the LAMAS Qi Gong movement.


My long years of practical experience indicates to me, that if there is a case of protracted STRESS, such as that which may have been present for years, or even for a matter of a few days, then that stress was at a level which allowed the invasive, and destructive elemental nature of disease to inhibit, decrease and hinder the smooth flow, of smooth Qi.


However, corrective Qi transmissions and some esoteric Wu Shih measures will offer the best help to deter the spread and or growth of undetected very early stages of cellular diseases.


Read More

Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) interviewed by Dr. Ginger Southall 2003 Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA


The Water Gardener.

The old man would walk every day to the village well. Faithfully he would stand at the village well and tell stories and offer advice to all the villagers and children alike, as they filled their containers.

Then when it was late afternoon and everyone had secured their daily needs, he would begin to fill the 2 clay pots, which he had carried on the yoke across his shoulders like an ‘OX’.

All the village people would then gather to look, whisper and make comments, about this old man who spoke so well, but could not ‘see’ that one of his clay pots were cracked, and leaked water whenever he had filled it, they would giggle while some others laughed out loudly.

However he would put both pots onto the yoke, on his shoulders and carry this load. Everyday he arrived home; the cracked pot had only a little water left.

Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter he always came with beautiful stories to tell the villagers, and sound advice on the way life should be.  Always carrying his 2 clay pots one cracked and the other without blemish.



The old man would smile, and nod attentively with respect to those who pointed out that he was doing such hard work and the amount of water lost meant, that he would go thirsty until he returned the next day.

Others would say “why do you talk all day without water, while everyone fills their containers, you stand thirsty, here in the sun, rain, snow, all kinds of weather, you must be mad”.

With such heavy Heart the old man would feel the pain of being misunderstood and would every day make the long journey home with insufficient water to last until the next trip.

The old man had an understanding of the World in which he lived and knew that everything was of the same material as himself and therefore even the animals, wind, trees, sunshine and even stones could talk, if people knew how to listen.



Sometimes he would speak to the leaky cracked pot saying “in you I am well pleased” and the water in the cracked pot would gurgle as it leaked and splashed as he walked.

Years passed and as the villagers got older, some grew ill and others died. Their children grew into adults and begot children of their own, all listening to the strange stories of the old man with the 2 clay pots.



 One was an old clay pot that leaked water as soon as he placed it onto the yoke over his shoulders. Each and every day, he came providing stories and enlightenment for those who listened, but never offered him help; still he smiled as he struggled to carry the pots on his way back home.



One day as he was near his home when he heard a voice that said to him “why do you care so much for others, they are just like your old leaky cracked pot”.

“You should get a new pot to carry water, then nobody would laugh at you”. The old man looked all around him but could ‘see’ no one, then smiling, suddenly he realised that the voice came from his old leaky clay pot, smiling he replied.



 “There is no clay pot that could speak, and surely none so caring for an old man as your good self”.

The cracked leaky pot replied, “please old man I have lost face, and am ashamed, for years you have carried me without complaint and I have not given you enough to drink, not like this beautiful perfect pot that you carry with the same care”.

“Please old man a new pot would ease your burden, and give you water to last a full day so that you are not thirsty, each morning. 


The old man looked at the cracked clay pot and said “look around you, do you not like the colours and beauty of the flowers, and the sweet smelling fragrances of the herbs that only grow on your side of the path”.

The old clay pot replied “yes I do, but what is the reason for your working so hard, you are not even a shadow of your former self, you do not having enough drinking water”.

 The old man answered “using your leaking water every day I feed the flowers, and plants, so that the beautiful path is here for any one to ‘see’, if they wished to come and make the journey, to find the way to brighten themselves”.



The old cracked pot said, “but no one follows or even offers to help with your tasks, and for years you have spoken to them, they will never ‘see’ the good things you do, they think only that you waste your energy and life without bettering yourself”.



The old man smiled and replied, “but you have seen and you are more for so doing”.  “Are you not happy that I would keep you, so that others may ‘see’ the wonders you have done, and the good you have established, you who are just a broken old clay pot, wherever you and I have travelled for so may years we have brought laughter to the tired hearts of so many people”.



 “They have not noticed yet, that their lives are being changed, and will only do so as they grow old lives like a torch flickers nearing its end”.



 “They are not aware that to do without reason or not to seek gain is the true test of faith, regardless of belief”. “I hope they will make the journey, so that they may experience the wonders that our world has to give, then will their lives will, like ours, be long and meaningful”.


‘LoLo’ traditional fireside family story...(abridged)...


Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) interviewed by the President of the CMA

Jane Goddard (Complementary Medical Association) England UK 1994


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

It is most necessary to make such changes in the way you think before any health program has the slightest chance to properly and or postitvely succeed in the short, medium and or long-term process.


Identifying and understanding the psychological difficulties that have contributed to your problem are the very first steps to achieving some health rectification.


Generally practitioners tend to look at hormonal and digestive problems as separate issues; however in my humble opinion there are many psychological issues that is cpable of altering the Cognitive Behavior, and thus needs must be addressed via the entire organic system.



Qi Transference:

The transference of Qi is of paramount importance in Cognitive Therapy. 

However Qi and Qi Gong itself has no connection what-so-ever with energetic manipulative procedures.


This is contrary to the view held by millions of conventional medical practitioners and aslo those millions who are in the field of Complementary and or Alternative Health practice.


The efficacy of any such endeavour demands some Qi sacrifice of the human-generator.


The human Qi generator acts as an external organic Qi generator whose memory resistance (memristor) must interface without mismatching of the natural impedances and exclusively collaborate in a recursive program with the deficient bio-system of the recipient to be of real meaningful efficacy.


 (Info on this is to be supplied in the members only access platform)


May the Qi force be with you!



In the Star Wars movie Luke Skywalker learnt about the Shen Qi Force from Yoda.

In the very first Matrix Morpheus taught Neo about the essence of using Jing Qi.

In the film Bulletproof Monk The Monk with no name taught Gar to use Wei Qi.


In Attack of the Clones, Yoda hurled Cultivated Qi orbs to oppose the evil Sidious.


Are you ready for the magic of movies?


Go for it and defy current belief systems.


The unexposed reality of Qi is awaiting you to have your very own Qi Gong experience? 


If you think you can, then your thoughts become reality.


Learn how to use your internal Zhong Qi to increase your powers of intuition. 


The origin of Qi Gong goes back through the mists of time and has been lost in the pages of antiquity.


Human bio-chemical EMF’s are some of the natural by-products of smooth flow Qi.



In Mainland China, Qi Gong as a health modality forms a very significant part of of official government health policy.


Some hospitals offer Qi Gong as meaningful treatment for serious health issues, and some types of life-threatening diseases. 



In the West many people have not had the opportunity, the time or is not patience enough to learn and practice this soft gentle healing noble art.


One that employs very slow, relaxed gentle movement, and the quiet deep breathing that is very necessary to provide true ‘stillness’ of the human life-force, the vital ingredient required so as to promote, and enhanced good health and the very lifeforce  its-self.


In the daily practice of LAMAS Qi Gong you will be taught real meditative procedures to achieve your objectives and furfill your wishes to lead a long, healthy and happy existence.


Grandmaster Lowe (LoLo) will present very easy to follow instructions to help you learn quickly under your own schedule, LAMAS Qi Gong is neither combative nor competitive.


You will be guided and assisted in actively participating in the development of your Qi levels and enjoying the new vitality that it provides.


With daily practice and in your own time, you too will be able to achieve the very near impossible, dreams can truely become reality.

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