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Learn how to Cultivate  True Qi

Beginners will learn in approximately 10-15 minutes

To purcahse your copy of the Qi Meditation DVD

please contact


Postural Training for Qi Meditation:


In Meditaive Qi training while the Body is at rest, a calm Mind will elevate the human evolved healing system. By meditative focusing, using the correct visualisation methodology, an energetic response is directed to the specific area of the Body that has been damaged, injured or in a state of disharmony or disease.


Respiratory Force:

Controlled Internal respiratory movement.


Vibrational Force:

Oscillations or vibrations employed in intentional Qi the Mind will provide a vibratory rhythm which is enabled by conscious Mental Force or induced Respiratory Force.


Mental Force:

Initially enabled by exerting mental effort and focus in order to gain health rectification.

 (Info on this is to be supplied in the members only access platform)

Qi Meditation is the means by which you would become able to create for yourself a way-of-life an a simplistic method of enhancing your own health.

Qi Meditation is the bio-energetic preparation necessary for the flow of ‘Smooth Qi’ and establishes the flow to be smooth throughout your Body and should not be omitted from any part of your daily Qi Gong practice.






























The process of cultivating Qi, is the same practice which you could be taught by a:

LAMAS Qi Gong Instructor. (See the Contacts page)


You should first begin by using your internal muscle control, attained by a;lternating or contracting the anal sphincter...(Closing the Lower-Bridge-Door)...and gently leading your breath from your Lungs into the abdomen as you had practiced in the taught program by any LAMAS Qi Gong Instructor...(Details of which are only to be found in the Contact Page).


To encourage and maintain control of your breath within your abdomen, you must first have directed the breath that was previously held in the Lungs, slowly guiding it to create a controlled gradual inflation to the abdomen/belly, and thereafter for at least 10 seconds hold the breath in the abdomen, while gradually releasing the sphincter muscle...(Opening Lower Bridge Door)...



Your visualisation would have encouraged the Lower-Bridge Gate to be accessible to the smooth flow of Earth Qi via the opened gate. Now very slowly begin to deflate your abdomen by very slowly exhalling via the nostrils, the lips are always kept together no sound is emitted during the entire program.

Remembering that your lips are gently closed during the entire Qi meditative procedure, and the mouth is kept closed throughtout the Qi Meditative practice.


All of your breathing is done via the nostrils, the mouth remains softly closed and there is no sound whatsoever being emitted from the mouth or nostrils, the breathing is softly quiet silent and without sound.


Remain still and return to soft gentle slow, deep breathing.

Repeat for as many times as you are comfortable and enjoy...........



Click on the picture move the + sign to observe that the fingers of Grandmaster Lowe is attaracting the sitter's hair, when Qi is being transmitted creating movement without touch. At the same time the standing volunteer is being pulled backwards and Master John Galamaga has to support the person to prevent him from falling backwards, Miami, Florida USA.

Grandmaster Lowe (loLo) presenting Meditation and Qi Gong .

Live recording with the

Program Presenter and

The Interviewer of WPB-TV

West Palm Beach,

Florida USA. 2004

Some photographs of previously presented LAMAS Qi Gong Seminars and Workshops

That catered for practitioners at different levels and provided the facility

to actively participate in real Qi Healing demonstrations 


Reputations that took a life-time to built can be ruined in a minute, therefrtoe, in old age measure your success in life, not by how many who say they love you, but actually by those who really do.


With wealth you can have many name--plates named after you, however the ultimate test of your life, is how many will think well of you, therefore take very good care of those with whom you make contact.



Respect your time and create space and time for reading and or thinking without distraction.


Say no to those who try to divert your attention, for they are the whispers of discontent.


Every interview or appointment that is granted, regardless of purpose or justification results in a geometric progression, respect your time.


True Love:

True Love is the most important concept in life, True Love has to be given unconditionally if it is to be True Love and it beggars no support.


Do your best in whatever you undertake and on all occassions be True.


True Love cannot be bought, nor stolen nor demanded, True Love can only be given.


The only true path to receive True Love is to be truly lovable.



Humility is best served by being humble amongst those who are less fortunate, so that you will improve and thereafter exceed mild expectations.


Being around people who are not fortunate, requires you to choose the right model to follow.


Thus yuo must accurately identify those of whom you admire the most, then live the qualities of those you admire always being of honest opinion and humility with kindness.













Health should never be sacrificed in the act of work to amass wealth.


Work only because you love and is justly rewarded in what work you do.


Live your life, as you would prefer to be seriously considered by all.


Knowing privately that you have done your best, even though others may consider your input, in their opinion somehow to be inadequate in their opinion.


Observe how others view you, however remain true to yourself never compromising any good value. 


Learn to accept that the general populace is what it is, and thus, this is the constant that you cannot change, therefore safe-guard your personal health and be of good cheer.

Age 67  


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